Breakthrough Junior Challenge

Breakthrough Junior Challenge

About The Challenge:
The Challenge is organized by the Breakthrough Prize Foundation. In this challenge, the participant has to create a 3-minute video explaining a difficult topic in the following subjects:-
3.Life Sciences
Entries can take any form you like: animation, talking head, documentary, dramatic reconstruction, whatever. It’s worth keeping in mind that video is a dynamic visual medium – using diagrams, simulations, physical demonstrations etc. is a lot more effective than standing in front of a blackboard talking.
The videos will be judged according to the following criteria:
  • Engagement
  • Illumination
  • Creativity
  • Difficulty
Selection Process:
There are four total phases:
Phase 1: Peer to Peer Review
Your entry will be evaluated by others according to the rubrics and you have to evaluate 5 different entries.
Phase 2: Evaluation Panel Review
Top 75 finalists videos from phase 1 will be reviewed by the Evaluation panel who will choose up to thirty (30) inclusive of the top 2 videos from each of the 7 Geographic Region, luckily India is a separate Geographic Region.
Phase 3: Popular Public Vote ( Finalists Selection)
Videos of phase 2 finalists will be posted on the Breakthrough Prize Facebook Page (in a randomized order) for 16 days. All entrants, friends of entrants and the general public will be invited to “like” their favourite Entry. The Popular Vote Entry and the COVID-19 Entry with the highest combined total of Likes, Shares and positive reactions (Love, Haha, Wow) on the video’s original post on our Breakthrough Facebook page as of September 20, 2020, at 11:59 PM PDT will be moved to the Fourth Phase.
Phase 4: Winner Selection
The Finalists will be reviewed by a selection committee consisting of the experts identified on this Website (the “Selection Committee”). The highest-scoring “Finalists” from the Selection Committee Review (up to 5) will move to the Fourth Phase based on the TRAIT SCORING RUBRIC. The Competition Sponsor shall assess such top five (5) Entries and the Popular Vote Top Scorers and select the winner based on the TRAIT SCORING RUBRIC. The Chairman of Competition Sponsor shall have final, sole and absolute responsibility to select the Winner after the Fourth Phase.
The Prizes:
The winning entry will receive $250,000 Post-secondary scholarship, $50,000 Prize for winner’s teacher and $100,000 Breakthrough Science Lab
The Sponsors:
The Breakthrough Prizes are sponsored by Sergey Brin, Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg, Pony Ma, Yuri and Julia Milner, and Anne Wojcicki.
Fact that I observed is: 2019 Winner has participated in 2018. 2018 Winner was 2017 finalist. 2017 Winner was 2016 finalist. Hence we conclude that most winners have gained some experience before winning. Lukily, these winners have shared their experience and guidelines.(Refer Tip 4)
Tips and Tricks:
Tip 1: First, go through the official site thoroughly and watch all past year finalists video and read the rules.
Tip 2: Creativity Matters More: According to my observation, there are finalists video that doesn’t have much animations and graphics but is made creatively.
Tip 3:To win, you need to be creative and you need to use 3D and 2D animation.
Hear the advice of past year finalists and winners.
Tip 4: Refer these:
Here are the links to past year finalists and winner’s youtube channels and blogs:
Last Date to submit entries: June 25, 2020, at 11:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time (West Coast USA).
Links: (Past Year Finalist’s and Winner’s videos)
Official Site (Apply Here): ( No Entry Fees)